Bargaining Team Back to Work
Last Spring, as all campuses scrambled to respond to COVID-19 and transition to work virtually, CFA’s leadership agreed to extend the expiration of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) to June 30, 2021.

Now that faculty are back to work, so is CFA’s Bargaining Team. The team met last week to reconsider its plans at the table and prioritize topics for bargaining. In the next few months, we plan to propose changes to take effect in the successor agreement. As with pre-COVID, workload, fairness and equity in appointments and evaluations, and lecturer faculty issues remain priorities. These priorities impact instructional faculty as well as coaches, counselors, and librarians, and the team is dedicated to success at the table even in the face of tough budgets and uncertain election outcomes.
“I am excited to be back working with such a fantastic team. We will be bringing creative approaches to bargaining via Zoom, just as the faculty are creatively delivering curriculum and services to our students,” said Kevin Wehr, CFA Vice President and Bargaining Team Chair.
We invite members to submit questions and ideas to
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