Article 25


25.1 Professional development opportunities shall include:

a. a fee waiver program;

b. sabbatical leaves;

c. difference in pay leaves;

d. professional leaves without pay;

e. short-term absence with pay for approved conferences, workshops, and other professional meetings;

f. faculty exchange programs within and outside the CSU;

g. administrative intern programs;

h. reduction in assigned Weighted Units or other work responsibilities to pursue scholarly activities, training or retraining of benefit to the CSU;

i. specialized work schedules to pursue scholarly activities, training or retraining of benefit to the CSU; and

j. assignment to a reduced teaching load pursuant to Article 20, Assignment of Responsibility, Workload, and Schedules, of this Agreement.

25.2 Application procedures by which an eligible faculty unit employee may request a professional development opportunity shall be determined by the President, except when such procedures are provided elsewhere in this Agreement.

25.3 A faculty unit employee who meets the eligibility requirements of a specific program listed in provision 25.1 of this Article may request such a professional opportunity.

25.4 The President shall determine if the request for a professional development opportunity shall be granted and, if so, what costs, if any, shall be borne by the campus. The President may establish requirements that a faculty unit employee shall meet upon completion of a professional development opportunity. The faculty unit employee shall be notified in writing of the decision and such requirements, if any. A denial of the request for professional development opportunity shall include the reasons for such denial.

25.5 With the prior approval of the President, Counselor Faculty Unit Employees who are required to maintain a license or credential as a condition of employment, shall be reimbursed for all normal and customary credential or licensing fees consistent with program needs. Any denial shall include a written explanation.

25.6 All faculty unit employees are eligible to apply for and receive the Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (RSCA) Awards funded by the Chancellor’s Office. Campus administrators shall send email notification to all faculty unit employees informing them of eligibility and application procedures every year that RSCA is funded.

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