This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into pursuant to provisions of the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA) by and between the Trustees of The California State University, hereinafter referred to as the “CSU” or “Employer,” and the California Faculty Association, hereinafter referred to as the “CFA,” or the “exclusive representative.”
It is the purpose of this Agreement to set forth the wages, hours of employment, and other terms and conditions of the employment for members of the bargaining unit. The parties recognize the importance of Section 3561(b) of HEERA, which states:
“The Legislature recognizes that joint decision-making and consultation between administration and faculty or academic employees is the long-accepted manner of governing institutions of higher learning and is essential to the performance of the educational missions of such institutions, and declares that it is the purpose of this act to both preserve and encourage that process . . .”
It is the purpose of these parties in entering this Agreement to promote high standards of education in the CSU. The CSU shall support the pursuit of excellence and academic freedom in teaching, research, and learning through the free exchange of ideas among the faculty, students, and staff.
The parties recognize that quality education requires an atmosphere of academic freedom and academic responsibility. The parties acknowledge and encourage the continuation of academic freedom while recognizing that the concept of academic freedom is accompanied by a corresponding concept of responsibility to the University and its students.
The CSU and CFA recognize the unique roles and responsibilities of the Academic Senate(s).
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