Education and Care Justice National Town Hall

On March 18th at 9am on Zoom, progressive Congressional leader Pramila Jayapal (WA), along with SEIU education and childcare workers across the nation will come together to speak loudly, with one voice, to advocate for our demands for a fully-funded, accessible and equitable education and child care system, from birth to graduation – because that is what our kids and families need. Join us!
CFA Associate Vice President Lecturers, North, Meghan O’Donnell will be speaking at the town hall.
“I’m really excited to see activists from every sector of public education and the caregiving community joining under the SEIU banner. I look forward to expressing our solidarity and commitment to one another and sharing a collective vision we are willing to fight. Together we will achieve justice, dignity, and respect for every worker in education and the caregiving sector across the United States,” O’Donnell said. “I’m also thrilled to see Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal joining us to support this critical work.”
The time is now for SEIU education and care workers to unite. We cannot wait any longer! While working people have been bearing the brunt of the lack of funding for critical public services that we need to survive and thrive, corporations have only gotten richer while paying no taxes! RSVP to our event and join us to say: Kids/Students Before Corporations: Tax the Rich to Fund Our Education and Care!
Join California Faculty Association
Join thousands of instructional faculty, librarians, counselors, and coaches to protect academic freedom, faculty rights, safe workplaces, higher education, student learning, and fight for racial and social justice.