Calling all CSU faculty!

We need your help educating, promoting registration, and turning out students to vote in this upcoming November 3 General Election.

First-time and young voters are more likely to have their ballots rejected and, since many of us will be voting by mail this election, it is crucial to be well informed of our options before November 3.

As educators, we believe we need to make every effort to do everything in our power to drive home the point that voting this year is an absolute imperative. Explain to your students that a non-vote will count as a vote for the other side.

A good place to start and register to vote is here.

The U.S. Vote Foundation has some useful resources to help prepare students for voting.  Click here for their hub for students on voter rights, tracking ballots, and ensuring their vote.

Together, we can help guide millions of young adults to a greater understanding and appreciation of the value of their vote, not only in this election, but also in any democratic society.


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