CSU management has refused to offer CFA members a fair and reasonable contract, instead asking us to accept something that continues the disinvestment in students, faculty, and staff, including stagnating wages and unfair workloads.

If CFA members are unable to settle our re-opener contract after the statutory process has been completed, we will go on strike to address the systemic problems within the CSU system.

Our initial job action will include holding one-day strikes on the following four campuses:

  • December 4, Cal Poly Pomona
  • December 5, San Francisco State
  • December 6, CSU Los Angeles
  • December 7, Sacramento State

If you are a faculty member on any of these campuses, be ready to strike and join the picket line for these dates. CFA chapter leaders will be reaching out with more information. In the meantime, visit www.calfac.org/strike for FAQs and more information.

Members at campuses not listed can show solidarity with regional colleagues by joining the picket lines on days faculty are not scheduled to teach. Members can also reach out to chapter leaders for informational pickets, petitions for campus presidents, and other actions. Faculty also have one personal day per year, and you can choose to take this personal day to join colleagues at one of these campuses.

“Some CFA members have expressed a strong desire to support extending strike actions to all 23 campuses on these four days,” said Dave Colnic, CFA Associate Vice President, North, CFA Stanislaus President, and CSU Stanislaus professor. “We hear your voices, admire your enthusiasm and determination to fight for equity and fairness on behalf of your colleagues and students, and know that if the time comes, you’ll be ready to strike at your campus.”

The decision to have a rolling strike was reached after the CFA Board of Directors engaged in a consultative process that included the Bargaining Team, the Contract Development and Bargaining Strategy Committee, and chapter presidents across all campuses.

Rolling strikes are a powerful strategy that have been implemented by UAW, LA hotel workers, Teamsters, teachers’ unions, and numerous other labor organizations. This time, the four campuses that were selected will lead our efforts at a critical time in the semester, noticeably impacting 115,000 students and CSU workers.

All campuses may have to go on strike at a future date if CSU management continues to fail to settle on a fair contract, so it is important for all faculty to continue to organize on their campuses in anticipation of future work actions.

In 2011, CFA members went on their first ever strike on two campuses, and – in just one day – it was enough to cost the university millions of dollars. Similarly, we want to amplify our actions with respect to what is necessary, and this strategy gives us space to escalate our actions into the spring term.

It has been a very successful year for labor, and CFA members will continue the trend. We know that when we fight together, we win together.

Stay up to date on negotiations at www.CFAbargaining.org and visit our strike information page at www.calfac.org/strike.

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