Mission Statement 

The mission of the Peace and Justice Committee is to create, foster, usher and encourage dialogue — rather than monologue — around issues impacting our community and educational environment such as social equity, racial harmony, political reform and environmental justice.


Our vision is to create a forum within the higher public education system from which advocates, activists, scholars, students, and community leaders can raise social justice and environmental issues that can be discussed, and where resolutions can be reached in a peaceful and non-violent manner.


Our goals serve as an extension of CFA’s Council for Racial & Social Justice and policy, and include the following:

  • Building coalitions with labor and social justice organizations around issues of peace and equity;
  • Providing forums that bring to light issues impacting our communities involving adequate living wages, foreign policy, immigration, police reform, fossil fuel divestments, fair treatment of garment workers; middle east crisis and the impact on communities in the United States; academic freedom in higher education; and so much more;
  • Encouraging and supporting student campaigns and projects that seek to promote peace and social justice in our communities and in higher education;
  • Appearing before local, city, county, state, federal administrative agencies and higher institutions of learning to advocate for peace, social and environmental justice.

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Lisa Sparaco

San Diego

V. Jesse Smith

CFA Staff to the Peace and Justice Committee
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