Equity Conference 2022: Registration, Speakers, and Continuing Education Credits

We are excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2022 Equity Conference “From Here to There: Building the Social Justice Bridge”, to be held online from Wednesday, March 9 through Saturday, March 12. Each day will feature thought-provoking, invigorating, and restorative sessions. Some of our speakers will include:
- Nana Gyamfi, Esq. & Armando Vasquez Ramos – “Strengthening Immigration Alliances Toward Liberating/Liberatory Futures”
- Hector Plascencia & Fatima Shabazz – “Acknowledging & Caring for Our Trans Siblings”
- Astra Taylor – “Your Debt is Someone Else’s Asset”
- Laurent Corralez – “Ableism in the Professional Sphere”
- June “Jumakae” Kaeswith – “Dreaming as Strategy: Envisioning Ourselves as Future Ancestors”
These speakers, among others, will help guide us through this year’s themes of envisioning radically different futures, strategies for co-liberation, (in)/(hyper) visible labor in the CSU, and care and healing justice. Contact the ARSJ rep on your campus today to register for the conference!
Also new for this year, conference attendees may register to receive Continuing Education Credits through a continuing education course at CSU Chico. Conference attendees who register for the course and submit proof of registration to CFA will be reimbursed the $75 cost of enrollment.
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