Help CFA Get Out the No on the Recall Vote!

CFA members have less than two weeks to vote in the California Governor recall election. This special election is a battle to protect California’s progress on safeguarding public health during the COVID-19 pandemic, improving worker rights, conserving the environment, continuing investment in public higher education, and tearing down systemic racism.
Members are urged to vote No on the recall and retain Gov. Gavin Newsom to protect our progress.
This race is close and will come down to whoever can turn out the most voters. Members can fill out this volunteer form to help get out the vote! You can also plug into a volunteer event at your local labor council.
“We know that Governor Newsom was elected by an overwhelming majority (in 2018). We have to ensure that his election is not overturned by a vocal minority,” said Steven Filling, Political Action and Legislative Committee Chair. “It is critical that we turn out voters, a task made more difficult by the pandemic. We need your active participation in our efforts to get out the vote. Please find an hour or two (or five) to join us in calling and texting California voters. We need our majority to say No to the Recall.”
Voters have until September 14 to turn in their ballots by mail or drop box. Early in-person voting begins September 4 in some counties. Misplaced or never received your ballot? Find answers to this and other questions from the Secretary of State.
This communication is paid for by the California Faculty Association.
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